
A property sheet provides a way to change the following settings.

(you can also right click on the property sheet itself to get help)

Snap to windows at x pixels Adjusts how close two windows must be before they snap
Snap to desktop at x pixels Adjusts how close a window must be to the edge of the screen before it snaps.
also used for the center snap items described below
Toggle key Selects key to temporarily disable window snapping
Preferences/Snap to: Chooses which windows to snap to:
Desktop Snap to the edges of the screen(s).
Other Windows Snap to all other windows.
Old Position Snap to a window's old position.
makes more sense when 'Display Properties/Effects/show contents while dragging' is turned off
Vertical center Snap to the vertical center of the screen(s).
Horizontal center Snap to the horizontal center of the screen(s).
Sounds: Allows you to add sound effects to the snapping.
Snap sound file .wav file that is played when a window snaps.
Unsnap sound file .wav file that is played when a window un-snaps.
Play Sounds Turn on/off sound effects.
sounds may become annoying so they are turned off by default
Desktop icons 'Align to Grid' Automatically line up desktop icons after moving them as in XP.  (not needed in XP)
Snap MDI windows Makes other applications' MDI windows snap.
MDI windows are document windows that are contained within an application's main window.
Don't snap to inside edges Diables windows from snapping to the inside edges of other windows.
e.g. snapping the top of one window to the top of another window
Invert toggle key Inverts the toggle key function.
When selected, windows will not snap unless the toggle key is held down.
Hide icon Hides the system tray icon. To show the icon again re-run allSnap.exe.
Crop top of windows by x pixels Using allSnap with certain XP styles (e.g. Watercolor) will leave a thin space at the top of the windows. This option fixes this by making allSnap think all windows are x pixels shorter.
This fix is not smart enough to detect which windows are using the problem style, so it is bound to make certain custom-skinned apps snap incorrectly.
Constrain windows to the screen Prevents windows from moving off the sides of the screen.
Ignore window clipping regions Some applications set a visible clipping region of a window.  This option ignores this setting and snaps to the actual hidden widow size.